Sunday, September 11, 2005


Blogger has made a big mistake. They have created a monster while trying to eliminate porn blogs and hate blogs, a monster that will in turn make anyone with a political viewpoint subject to extreme harrassment or even being turned off by Blogger.

At the top of each Blog is a series of boxes, Previous, Flag, and Next. By clicking on Flat, it means that someone finds your material objectionable and then you are removed from the regular line up, so to speak, and your Blogs made unavailable to people surfing the Web, or to your regular readers.

I had enjoyed Blogging and have more than 250 posts but now, I am being censored, perhaps right out of Havana, or by Castro's thuggish followers in the United States.

I don't preach hate, but I do feel that 46 years of tyranny in Cuba is enough, that more than 15,000 executions are enough, that 2 million people dispossed of their rights to the extent that they left their beloved homeland is enough, that more than 83,000 drowned at sea while risking their lives and far more than enough, that depressing poverty for most of Cuba (unless they're part of the Ruling Class who enjoy special privileges is enough, that imprisonment of dissenters for thirty year terms in dungeons that recall the horrors of the middle ages is enough, that the theft of hundreds of millions of dollars from the nation by Castro and his thugs is enough, that the demolition of Cuba's heritage of old world architecture through neglect is enough, that government spies on every block is enough, that subjugation and living their whole lives as slaves of fidel castro (La Cucaracha Grande) is enough, that it is time for change and a chance to vote for the type of government they want, and that Cubans the world over should have the chance to go home to a Free Country is they should so desire.

And, that, my friends, is why I am being censored by Blogger, because someone does not wish to allow an elderly man of eighty to speak his mind, a man who served his country during war, who served his country during peace, and who continues to serve his country by speaking out against injustice.

But, though I have written Blogger, they will not respond, and have tried to shut my voice off from the World on the Internet.

May God be my witness, that I speak out for justice and freedom, whether it be here or in a small nation ninety miles off our shores, Cuba.
Howard E. Morseburg


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