Thursday, September 08, 2005


Dark Clouds Hover Over America when Freedom of Speech is subject to "votes" as to what you can say!CENSORSHIP BY FIAT!

Well, my friends, here we go into the fray.
My Blogs are being censored. I've got some opponents who do not believe in the Freedom of Speech or Freedom of the Press clause in the Bill of Rights.

My Blog: is being deleted every day and sometimes twice a day, a total now of eight times, but I keep reposting it.

What didn't they like about it? Well, I put a picture of a cockroach astride a globe, but this roach had little fidel castro's head on it.

Someone found it objectionable and so they clicked a box at the top of each blog and it was removed from my Blogsite, not just the cockroach with fidelito's head on it, but the whole blog. Then as I kept writing, two, three, four and now eight subsequent Blogs are deleted each day, once or twice.

But, I intend to Stand Firm. I shall not give in. I will write to the CEO of Google about this type of Censorship. You can swear, put nudity on a site, even porn, but not a cockroach with a scare mask on it, the face of fidelito, the largest mass murderer in the western hemisphere.

Let me know what you think about it. Should it be illegal for me to portray a cockroach as a cockroach, or as fidelito castro, tyrannical dictator and murderer, who holds the nation of Cuba hostage?
Every block in Cuba has a spy for the Secret Police, and you are not allowed to meet in groups. It is tyranny by La Cucaracha Grande.
Howard E. Morseburg


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